BOOM 93 - Local media: Online and radio

We are offering special terms for local media companies - monthly fees are lower, but we are also offering tips on how to succeed with a limited target group

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RTS - Serbia's public broadcasting news app

Official national news app – if something, it needs to be fast and reliable

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GEOPOETIKA - webshop and e-book reader

Books from Murakami, Auster, and Barnes in an Appworks app? We could not pass this one.

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Live notifications, boxscores, and everything a Greek basketball fan needs.

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We have added custom commercial support to our IT services. What has it shown after 6 months?

IT companies selling B2B services are offering tips to their clients since… well, since ever. Usually, this is done through blog posts, YouTube videos, maybe some webinars. The idea is to offer more or less general tips which a bigger number of users could use to improve efficiency with the product.

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